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The Value of Automated Trade Printing Quotes

Today we’re delving into what our automated trade printing quotes mean for customers and why we’ve invested in such a system.

Automation underpins the effectiveness (and efficiency) of our printing processes. It enables Mediapoint to deliver on turnaround guarantees for over 150 orders a day. This ability for a trade printer to deliver is critical. Without a slick process in place it would be very hard for teams to achieve targets. That’s not to mention that some trade printing businesses use a manual quoting process as throttle / delay.

Whilst we dictate our own internal processes we always ensure these are centred on delivering value for our trade clients.

At Mediapoint we identified that speed of service and the benefits of automation don’t just start when an order is confirmed. A majority of our customers require a system that allows them to get their print jobs done (including quoting) seamlessly and at speed.

Not only is much of our proofing and production driven by technology – so is our best-in-class self serve print portal.

Everyone Saves Time with Automated Print Quotes

The pricing process can really drag on (and be seriously delayed) without an automated quoting system in place. Think of the emails or phone calls back and forth, the different databases to connect to, and the possibility of human error switching between different systems. These elements are present on both the printer and customer’s side.

With an automated system there is minimal friction, less requirement for human input (meaning we can have our team focus on delivering quality print jobs), and the ability to shift from quoting to printing instantly.

Time is a valuable resource; wasting it costs you and your Trade Printer money. Not to mention lost opportunities to be focusing on more important work.

At Mediapoint any savings made in time and labour are passed on to our customers – through the automated system delivering the quotes!

Automated Trade Printing Quotes Minimise Errors

Through the use of automation we can leverage computing power and integration to ensure that prices are correct in real-time. In combination with our self serve print portal and embedded print pricing model ordering is easy, accurate and fast.

 It eliminates the need for our staff members to check over multiple pricing tables, inventory databases, and equipment availability before providing a quote. Plus, any ‘ghosts in the system’ will be flagged for review. This provides us with peace-of-mind that there is a system in place to highlight any issues that do arise.

As a fail-safe we do routine checks to confirm our system for automated trade printing quotes works as intended. Our priority however is for our staff to be on the production floor delivering on print jobs. That is where the real value of a trade printer is delivered and where having our skilled staff is necessary.

Resellers Love Our Self Serve Print Portal

The ability for clients to access live-pricing and get accurate quotes quickly is a significant factor itself. By expediting the ordering process our print resellers and print brokers can confidently estimate turnaround to their own clients. Plus, it eases the burden on their teams when it comes to pricing and project managing jobs.

Speed of communication is important for resellers and print shop managers wanting to establish (and sustain) good relationships with their clients.

Automated trade printing quotes support this from the very outset. After all – wouldn’t you as a customer of any business prefer to deal with those that have prompt and clear responses?  Any way we can help our clients in this area is something we take very seriously.

Mediapoint has grown to be one of Australia’s biggest and most experienced trade-only printers over 16+ years. If you’re looking for a printing partner who makes it easier to quote, produce and deliver on print jobs for your clients – sign up today.

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